Thursday, February 13, 2014

100th Day...sort of!

So with some creative accounting, we celebrated the 100th Day of School here in 2nd grade, even though it's only been 99...I forgot about one of our snow days!  Oh well - it's better for our schedule on a Thursday anyway.  Here are some photos of our activities - we used cooperation, communication, measurement, reasoning skills, spatial awareness, estimation, large motor skills, creativity and elapsed time...we fit a lot into our day!  There was so much fun to be had that some have more things they can do at home, so you can find ways to celebrate 100 at home over the long weekend.  Scroll down for great photos of our second graders in action...

By the way, I dedicate our 100th Day to my grandmothers, both of whom turn 100 years old this year!  They are amazing women and I'm lucky to have them both around.

Some friends even had 100th Day shirts from last year still!
 Collecting data about how many times we can do a variety of things in 100 seconds, like blinking, saying the alphabet or hopping.
 Making structures cooperatively using 100 marshmallows and 100 toothpicks.  I specifically got non-Kosher marshmallows so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone eating their building materials!

We used dice and a stamp pad and took turns to see who could get to 100 gumballs first!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What a winter!

This winter certainly has made it a challenge to keep things on track, but we are working very hard when we are here.  Please remember that our Grandparents/Special Person's Day is Friday, February 7 from 12:30-2:00.  If you haven't already responded to me about your child's arrangements, please email me at so we can plan accordingly.

Our Spelling test this week is on homophones.  The children not only need to know how to spell the words, but also which each word means...they should know a "week" has 7 days and "weak" means not strong.  We spent time practicing this today, so hopefully they understand the differences between these confusing words!  The words are meet, meat, week, weak, road, rode, tail, tale, be, bee, too, two, to, see, threw and through and the word of the week is because.

Stay warm!