Friday, November 2, 2012

11/2/12 Update

Things are moving along at quite a good pace here in 2nd grade.  We have been very busy learning parts of speech, sentence structure, place value, graphing, government and the solar system...phew!

Next week's Spelling words will increase in number - they are ready.  Look for 14 words for most children and a few children will have 16 words to spell.  Please remember the goal of weekly Spelling is to have the children learn the words not just for the test, but also for them to include those words in their everyday writing.  When they ask you how to spell a word, encourage them to sound it out, remind them if they had it on a previous Spelling test, and hopefully, it will click!  The words for the test on November 9 are dish, what, than, chest, such, thin, push, shine, chase, while, catch, sure, which and then.

Report cards should be sent home by the end of next week and parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, November 15.  Please phone the school office to schedule a conference.  Note: I try very hard to stay on time for conferences - easier said than done, given the short time we have for each meeting.  If you feel the time allotted will not be sufficient, please feel free to email me and we can conference a different time that will allow us to cover all questions and concerns and be rushed.  Thank you in advance for your help keeping conference day running smoothly.

Please email me with any questions or concerns at

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