Friday, October 12, 2012

Update 10/12/12

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is recuperating from all the days off.  We are slowing re-entering our routines - they forgot a few things about being second graders, but we are practicing and I know they will figure out procedures, etc. and get back in the swing of things.

You may have heard the children talking about having class in the Music Room - they are working on fixing the heat in our wing.  I'm told the parts should all be in by next Tuesday and we should be back in our room later next week.  The children have been troopers while we take our show on the road, but I'm anxious to be back in our own classroom as soon as possible.

Getting back into our routines means the return of homework and weekly Spelling tests.  Thanks in advance for making sure your child has a good space set aside to complete the homework.  Remember, homework packets come home in the Friday folders and should be returned by the following Friday at the latest.

Shabbot shalom and as always, please email me with any questions or concerns at

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