Friday, September 28, 2012


My apologies for not posting last week - the comings and goings of our schedule has me out of my routine.  I hope to post at least once a week, with timely updates or information posts in between, going forward.  The children are handling the schedule very well, considering the irregularity of our days in school.  Plus, just for fun, we were out of our classroom earlier this week as they worked to fix our furnace.  The class rose to the occasion and managed themselves very well as we conducted our lessons in the music room.  Thankfully, the issue is resolved and we are back on track.

We are working very hard to understand what makes a complete sentence.  Learning about subjects and predicates (the naming parts and the action parts!,) as well as remembering to begin with capitals and end with punctuation are a big focus in second grade.  Thank you in advance for reminding them of these things as they work on homework.  We are talking about fall and using all of our senses to notice the changes of the season.  Reading non-fiction as well as poetry, and also writing our own poetry have been terrific.

We are finishing with our Methods of Science learning - they had a terrific time last week using droppers and water to hypothesize how many drops of water could fit on the top of a penny!  Next week we will begin our  study of the Earth, the Moon and the Solar System.  Can't wait!

A topic that we covered last week and will continue to discuss through the year is respect for each other.  We read a book called "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" which talks about how treating each other kindly fills people's buckets, but being unkind or bullying empties people's buckets.  They are so insightful during these discussions - now let's put our thoughts into action.  I was thrilled the other day when a student came up to me and told me how another child was kind to him and filled his bucket - that filled mine for sure!

With the two days off, there is no homework or Spelling test for next week.  Enjoy the long weekend and please email me with any questions or concerns at

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